"The Bayou City Blues...
...is a non-profit, intergenerational organization for motivated and talented musicians under the umbrella of Gulf Coast Drum Corps Associates a 501(c)3 corporation. In twice a month rehearsals taught by qualified professionals, we seek to provide an opportunity to prepare and perform a variety of music from classics to jazz to pops. Through the exchange of ideas and personal interaction, we work together to create a musical experience that will last a lifetime."
What will your donation do for us?
The Bayou City Blues is in the process of building a line of percussion and set of horns that will enable us to stay true to our roots, while entertaining appreciative crowds.
As we build out equipment, we will be able to allow more people who like performing before responsive, excitable audiences to join us for an exciting opportunity!
What if I have other questions?
Feel free to ask us at director @ bayoucityblues.com